Focus on content marketing
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Focus on content marketing

Content marketing is one of those sets to which certain definitions are wrongly attributed and which, despite their appearances, give way to a large part of subjectivity for many companies. It's time to get back to the essence of content marketing (called "content marketing" in French), to define its advantages and to take stock of what it is and what it is not.

Content marketing: what are we talking about?

To exist, a website must include, at the very least, graphic elements and content. Without these, its raison d'être does not exist and the best functionalities in the world will have no use… It is the content of the site that feeds not only the expectations of Internet users, but also those of search engines. Content is the essence of a site. It is valuable, relevant and coherent; it has the power to attract and retain a clearly defined audience and to convert visitors into leads, then into prospects and finally into customers.

The content thus makes it possible to act on several levers:

  • Attract quality traffic
  • Arouse the interest of visitors
  • Convert visitors into leads
  • Convert leads into customers

Most marketers use content marketing. Large companies have professionals dedicated to content marketing on their premises. This is particularly the case for groups such as Procter & Gamble, Microsoft, Cisco Systems, John Deere… Smaller companies, on the other hand, call on agencies or freelance content marketing specialists.

Why bet on content marketing? Quite simply, because it generates revenue for the company!

The impact of content marketing on the company's bottom line

Content marketing has three main advantages:

  • It helps increase sales
  • It helps reduce costs
  • It builds customer loyalty

Content represents both the present and the future of marketing. At a time when Internet users are exposed to dozens of pieces of information per minute, it is a question of going, as quickly as possible, to the heart of their problem, to the essentials and, "to press where it it hurts ". An expression that the members of the team of Tremplin Numé have at heart. By collaborating with us, you will notice that this expression comes up often: it is indeed a question of constantly refocusing on the problem of your audience and your buyer persona so that the content offered is relevant to their expectations. Arousing the interest of an Internet user, if he is part of your audience, must become a real obsession...

Content marketing is everywhere!

Content marketing is ubiquitous:

  • At the social media level: the content marketing strategy is developed before the social media strategy;
  • The level of natural referencing (SEO) : search engines, Google in particular, reward companies that publish quality content, consistent content;
  • At the level of public relations: public relations strategies focus on issues that interest their readers;
  • At the level of paid advertising: for a cost per click operation to work, it must be accompanied by quality content;
  • At the level ofinbound marketing : content is the key element that will guide incoming traffic and convert it into leads;
  • At the content strategy level, at the heart of most global marketing strategies

What if you transformed your audience into a set of people receptive to the content you publish? What if your prospects were impatiently waiting for your content and sharing it with their peers? A completely achievable goal, whatever your field of activity! Contact the team of Tremplin Numé to discuss it.

Content marketing and bad practices…

Too little described, content marketing is often misused, or else, it is not the subject of in-depth reflection upstream. As content marketing experts, it's everyday that we see the mistakes that are repeated over and over again. If content marketing respects certain principles and basic rules, here is what it is not:

  • A simple search for keywords to inject into articles at all costs
  • The publication of one or two articles per month, just to show Google that we exist
  • Communication and articles focused on the company, its products and services

The comments above illustrate the practices that have become common for certain companies which, failing to master their content strategy, make their site survive as best they can. The result is a very low return on investment, a deterioration of the company's brand image (without its knowledge, etc.) and therefore a risk for the company as a whole.

On the other hand, well-developed content marketing consists of:

  • Analyze the field of activity of the company, its competitors
  • Set up a standard customer profile, i.e. a buyer persona (or several)
  • Prepare a content schedule in line with the expectations of the target audience
  • Create content with high added value
  • Creating a link between published content is the growing interest of the buyer persona
  • Attract quality traffic to a website
  • Convert visitors into leads
  • Convert leads into prospects
  • Convert prospects into customers

The role of content marketing, if we stick to the objectives of a company, and to generate turnover. Companies that have understood the value of content marketing are banking on its potential to increase their sales, the number of loyal customers and their visibility. And you, what are you waiting for to do the same?

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