The multiple targeting criteria of the Google Ads service make it possible to set up very ROI campaigns, but there is an additional way to further optimize your Ads campaigns: retargeting.

Retargeting: definition

Retargeting, also called remarketing, is an e-marketing technique to increase your visibility on the internet. This technique is offered by several platforms, including major advertising agencies and also by Google Ads via the Google remarketing service. The principle is as follows: when creating advertisements through the Ads service, Google places a cookie on the computer of the Internet user who visits your website. Thanks to this session cookie, it is possible to analyze the course of an Internet user on the web.

Google keeps track of the behavior of your visitors and when they visit other network partner websites, your banners are displayed. So you can be highly visible on very high traffic sites without paying top dollar for ad placements. But it is above all a way to reconnect with your visitors and bring them back to your site.

How to set up an effective retargeting policy?

Propose attractive offers to attract Internet users again via remarketing

Several solutions are possible to attract again an Internet user potentially interested in your products, services or activities.

  • For example, you can offer a discount coupon to Internet users who have left your site without validating their order.
  • It is also possible to offer additional items to those that the Internet user has already purchased on your site. For example, a client bought a handbag, do a retargeting campaign by offering her a wallet and a matching card holder.

The possibilities are endless and this is just one example of the many possible solutions thanks to retargeting Google Ads.

Take care of the retargeting elements

For a retargeting operation to be effective, the advertising banners must be carefully personalized by creating different banners according to the remarketing objectives. Goals can be:

  • Make the Internet user come back to a product he has just looked at.
  • Bring back a user who has abandoned his shopping cart.
  • Make a user come back to buy another product.

It is also necessary to try to attract the visitor with visuals that he knows. Indeed, he has already been to the site and he still has vague memories of it. It is therefore necessary to take into account the aspect of memory and memories to create a successful banner in terms of conversion rate.

The benefits of retargeting

It is a very powerful solution for advertisers, because it converts Internet users, normally lost, into customers. Remarketing is also very interesting for site publishers who see their advertising revenue increase through the Google AdSense program, sometimes considerably (up to 30%).

Retargeting being an ultra-targeted solution, it improves the user experience of the Internet user and you are sure to target Internet users who have already shown interest in your site.