How to add, hide, and delete birthdays in Google Calendar
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How to add, hide, and delete birthdays in Google Calendar

There is nothing worse than forgetting the birthday of someone dear to you. To make sure you see those important days, you can add birthdays to Google Calendar. If you decide to hide them or remove one later, it's just as easy.

Notes: According to Google, you currently cannot add birthdays from Facebook to Google Calendar.

Add birthdays to Google contacts

Birthdays that you see in Google Calendar are for your Google Contacts. So, to get started, make sure the contacts you want to show on your calendar are in your Google Contacts with Birthdays.

Head to Google Contacts and add a new contact by clicking on "Create Contact" at the top left. To edit an existing contact, click the pencil icon to the right of their name in the list.

Edit a contact in Google Contacts

Under your contact's basic information, click “Show more”.

Click Show more

Then enter their date of birth in the Birthday field.

Add a birthday to a contact in Google Contacts

Click on "Save" at the top right of the contact card.

How to add birthdays to contacts on iPhone

Add birthdays to Google Calendar

When you're ready to view your contacts' birthdays, visit Google Calendar and sign in. Expand "My Calendars" on the left side and check the Contacts box. You should then see your Google contacts' birthdays displayed with a birthday cake icon.

Check the Birthdays box

To add birthdays to the Google Calendar app on your mobile device, open the app. Next, tap the menu icon at the top left and tick the Birthdays box.

Check the Birthdays box in the menu

Hide birthdays from Google Calendar

To hide birthdays from your Google Calendar, reverse the above steps. In Google Calendar on the web, expand My Calendars on the left side and uncheck the Contacts box. You should see the birthdays disappear from view.

Uncheck the Birthdays box

On your mobile device, tap the menu icon at the top left and uncheck the Birthdays box. The birthdays of your contacts should disappear.

Uncheck the Birthdays box in the menu

Remove birthdays from Google Calendar

You may have certain contacts whose birthday you don't want to see in your Google Calendar. As mentioned earlier, this detail comes from the person's contact card in Google Contacts. So, to remove their birthday from your calendar, you need to remove it from their contact card.

Visit Google Contacts, click the pencil icon to edit the contact, then click "Show More" on their card. Click the X to the right of their date of birth in the Birthday field and click "Save" at the top right.

Edit a contact in Google Contacts

To make sure you remember those birthdays, learn how to get Google Assistant birthday reminders.

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