What is the difference between content marketing and inbound marketing?
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What is the difference between inbound marketing and content marketing?

At a time when marketing techniques are evolving at breakneck speed and operations are becoming more and more digital, some concepts may seem confusing. One of them relates to the difference between content marketing (or “content marketing” in French) and inbound marketing. Two anglicisms (again!) that we are going to decipher here, to allow you to make the distinction between the two and to understand their interest, for your company.

What is inbound marketing?

The easiest way to define theinbound marketing is to consider it as a complete method allowing companies to adjust their communication to the way in which customers buy their products and services.

The current reality is as follows: customers no longer wish to be interrupted or diverted from their trajectory and wish to retain control of their actions, especially when it comes to purchasing products and services. By taking this into account, companies can implement certain techniques to be seen, without disturbing potential buyers when they are not looking for their products or services.

Inbound marketing is based on a systemic approach aimed at turning anonymous visitors into leads and nurturing them until these same leads mature into prospects and then customers (read: "What's the difference between a lead and a prospect?”). Throughout the journey, inbound marketing brings real-time data and deep insights into the business in relation to potential customers, which can be used to improve campaign performance and results.

Inbound marketing focuses on gain the interest of prospects to generate a voluntary approach on their part. Inbound marketing includes a set of techniques, of which content marketing is a part. It is for this reason that there is sometimes confusion between the two.

What is content marketing?

To use certain terms used in the official definitions of the content marketing, it is a strategic marketing approach that focuses on the creation and distribution of content with high added value, relevant and coherent, in order to attract an audience whose motivations have been studied upstream, highly qualified prospects who will later turn into customers.

Le content marketing ( Content marketing) is not interested in website design, emailing or any other form of traditional marketing, whereas inbound marketing includes all these marketing forms and techniques.

How do inbound marketing and content marketing work together?

To work, inbound marketing needs content marketing. Without it, an inbound marketing strategy simply cannot exist. It is only on the basis of blog articles, high added value content (eBooks, white papers, infographics, specific content for social media, content for web pages) that inbound marketing takes shape.

More so, inbound marketing is based on measurable and result-oriented elements. Thus, the content generated, whatever it is, is intended to generate results. It is for this same reason that content marketing is closely correlated with the conversion strategy on the web. Inbound marketing generates results by transforming visitors to a site into leads, then into prospects. The focus is therefore on optimizing the content and the experience, for a maximum conversion rate.

Does your business need inbound marketing and content marketing?

The question is legitimate: if it's just about writing content, putting it on your website and using it to attract your audience, so be it. The reality is that you will have only done part of the job. Like a doctor, Tremplin Numérique.fr carries out a complete diagnosis of the symptoms to be treated, in relation to:

  • The quality of traffic to your website
  • The conversion rate of visitors to leads

Based on this diagnosis, we offer you a plan of attack and a global strategy, of which content marketing is a part.

Content marketing is one component of a comprehensive inbound marketing strategy. As such, it is important to take an interest in many other elements that will impact your final result, i.e. the number of leads generated by your website, the number of prospects and therefore, in the long term. , on your turnover. These other elements include:

  • Your position on search engines
  • Your company's image on social media
  • The attractiveness of your brand in the eyes of prospects
  • The number of customers considered “loyal”
  • Etc

By using proven tools and techniques, as well as know-how and perfect mastery of all the elements making up a global inbound marketing strategy, Tremplin Numérique accompanies you to increase your visibility, the number of your prospects and your sales opportunities.

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