Web agency » Digital news » SEO performance of your content: control it!

SEO performance of your content: control it!

Suggest an action to the user when he has finished reading. You will be able to evaluate what the page brings to the activity of your company. And your SEO progress.

All the contents of the pages of your site can be evaluated in terms of SEO referencing. Search engine optimization can drive more qualified traffic to your site. But it can also attract more Internet users who are already motivated by an intention to purchase, a question… This must be measured.

All that is required is to offer Internet users an action after reading the content. This quantifiable action will then be your most valuable indicator. It is up to you to decide what type of action you are considering:

  1. Download a document
  2. Launch an application
  3. Start a video or podcast
  4. Fill out a form
  5. Recommend the page to someone else
  6. Place a product in a cart or wishlist
  7. Buy a product
  8. Spend minimum time on the page
  9. Spend a defined time on the page
  10. Then visit a certain number of pages

Subsequently, a merchant site will be delighted to discover, for example, that Internet users who arrive via Google order in, say, 2% of cases (compared to 1% currently). This information can be obtained by crossing the statistics of the store management software with those of the audience analysis software (such as Google Analytics).

A B to B site will learn that its prospects download its free white paper in 4% of cases, for example. Overall, you will be able to discover and follow the contribution of the site in the business and the commercial relations of your company. And you can finally assess your SEO progress!

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