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Reverse directory: list of the best reverse directories

Reverse directory "Whose number is this?" »

What is a reverse directory?

You don't know the identity of the person calling you from a phone number. The reverse directory France is an efficient and free service that allows you to discover the identity of this number at your leisure.

Unlike traditional directories that base their searches on the name associated with a city to determine its number, this one reverses the process. Once the person is registered in the directory, you will be able to obtain his name as well as his address.

A landline number can be used to find out the identity of an individual or the location of a specific area

Enter the number on the home page and click on the "I'm looking for" button.

If you have a landline number, the information will be immediately available to you. If the number is on the red list, we will give you the address of the person or professional who tried to reach you. Depending on the density of the area in which it is located, you will be able to obtain the nearest large city or the name of the district, if it is one of the main French cities. We will not be able to offer you this service if it is a number starting with "09" outside the directory.

Identify a mobile phone number

Mobile phone numbers are reversed if the holder of a fixed line or a 09 number is not listed by default in the directory. The line holder must make an express request to the operator. The Electronic Communications and Display Regulatory Authority (ARCEP) indicates that only 10% of customers have made this request. Listening to the announcement of the mobile number is the best way to save time and not warn the holder. If the message is not from the operator and cannot be informative, we will refund you. This system works with all major operators, such as Orange, SFR and Bouygues Telecom, as well as Free Mobile, Numericable, NRJ Mobile, and “MVNOs” such as Virgin Mobile, Numericable, and Virgin Mobile.

PagesJaunes reverse directory

To find out who owns a number, use the reverse directory!

You receive a ringtone on your mobile or landline phone, but you don't know who it is. You can do a search in the reverse directory to find the identity of your interlocutor and his coordinates!

Free reverse directory

The free reverse directory provides you with telephone information in reverse lookup mode: Enter the telephone number (landline, mobile) and find out who it belongs to (excluding unregistered people and internal company lines) .

You can then find the name of the person calling you from their phone number. If the number is in our database, we immediately give you the result: the name and contact details of the person or company calling you. The reverse directory only works with phone numbers. To get contact information for a business by name, check the Yellow Pages website, cell phone, or White Pages for individuals.

You have questions ? Do not hesitate to use the help section at this address by typing your request in the search engine:

The reverse directory is a Solocal service (PagesJaunes).

Orange reverse directory 118 712

Free reverse directory: how to find out who this number belongs to?

The directory is free and offers an immediate response. The 118 712 reverse directory service is available 24 hours a day, 24 days a week and allows you to find a number in our databases (business directory and millions of internet box subscribers, as well as the mobile reverse directory ) and identify who tried to reach you in your absence if you miss a call.

Enter the mobile number (in 06/07) to find the surname, first name and address of the person who called you. If it is a company, you can find additional information such as the type of activity, opening hours and contact details (fax number, e-mail address, website or any other social network ).

This service is also available with short numbers (4 to 6 numbers) or premium rate numbers (starting with 08).

You can search from any directory page using the search bar.

Reverse cell phone number lookup

If a number is listed in the Universal Directory, you can use the reverse lookup service to find out who owns a cell phone number.

We can provide you with general information about your correspondent, whether you are an individual or a professional. This includes operator name, search history, and number of searches in the last 30 days.

Why can't I find the owner of a number?

We may not have any results. The 118 712 directory does not recognize redlisted numbers, which is the case for many mobile numbers. We respect the decision of our subscribers not to appear in the directory services for France.

Our partnership with Orange Telephone Service allows us to provide information such as the name of the operator, the number of searches on this number in the last 30 days, the level of maliciousness if it is a canvasser, and the geographical area. You can also create a report of all malicious calls using this app.

You can also be blacklisted to help you deal with unwanted calls (unknown or misleading calls, harassment, scams, spam and phone scams). This is a free service offered by major telephone companies.

Orange protects your personal information

Telephone operators are required to comply with the regulatory framework when providing data to

118 712 will not use this data for marketing or prospecting purposes.

We invite you to contact your telephone operator to update or delete the data of all the directories.

Reverse Directory 118

Easily locate a correspondent who tried to reach you.

You have been contacted in your absence but you do not know the number. Want to know who tried to reach you? Use the free 118 reverse directory instead of wasting your time on the Internet.

The reverse directory: The 118 000 allows you to find a correspondent who has tried to reach you

To use the 118 000 reverse directory to find a correspondent, all you need is a telephone number. In the field provided for this purpose, enter the telephone number that interests you and a click will reveal the contact details of the person or company associated with this number. Use the free reverse directory of 118 000 if you have lost the name of your correspondent or if the number was called while you were away.

Free reverse directory of 118: easily obtain the full contact details of all your correspondents

The reverse 118 directory allows you to see the contact details of any person or business that has tried to contact you. This includes the address, telephone number and name of the person or company. The interactive map allows you to locate your correspondent in any French city.

The reverse directory 118000: Only one telephone number is enough

Easily find your correspondent

The 118000 reverse phone book allows you to find any person's address and name by simply entering their phone number. Enter the phone number in the search field to get the information you need from our reverse directory.

You can find out who is trying to reach your door with just one click.

The reverse directory 118000 will allow you to locate a name and an address corresponding to a number. This operation is totally free. Someone tried to reach you while you were away. You have a phone number, but you don't know its owner. You can use the reverse directory to find the name and address of the person you are looking for.

You can find all contact details in France with the reverse directory.

The 118000 reverse directory allows you to associate a telephone number with a name or a home address. If a number is in your directory, or if a caller tried to contact you, the reverse directory will let you know who it is.

Who owns this number ?

Your phone displays a missed call, but you have no message.

You can now find out who this number belongs to: individual, professional or company. We will quickly provide you with the contact or company name and address, free of charge and quickly.

How to find an unknown number?

The information we offer is updated regularly from qualified files provided by the main telephone operators (ISPs): Orange, Free Neuf, Bouygues Telecom. SFR, Numericable. Alice,… has a “directory service” and “intermediary” license with these players. With more than 32 numbers available and updated, this allows us to provide reliable results that meet your expectations.

Answer the phone directly

If we do not have the information to identify the number that called you, we can provide you with a tool that allows you to listen to the message.

The plus of listening to messages:

  • Listen to the message anonymously
  • Your correspondent's telephone does not ring during the listening conversation
  • In-house development of reliable technology
  • Many Internet users have tested and approved the tool
  • Service not offered by your telephone operator

Satisfied or refunded

Our service allows you to identify the owner of a number and share information about it.

We promise to reimburse you within one week if we are unable to provide the requested service.

You can reach our customer service by e-mail on the contact page or by telephone on the toll-free number.


How does the reverse search directory work

Youfindme phone number search allows you to find out for free which professional has tried to reach you. You can use the reverse directory to locate a professional, company or association in France from a landline number.

To be listed in a directory, and in particular in the reverse directory of a telephone subscriber, the latter must not have notified his telephone operator.

Free Reverse Directory: Find Who It Is

Enter the number that called you in the search box above to get the professional's name and address.

You can use the reverse directory not only to find the contact details of the subscriber, but also to locate him on a map.

Your search is unsuccessful ? Thanks to its telephone code, however, you can identify the geographical area where the number tried to reach you.

Reverse directory of VAS numbers

To find out who owns the number, its rate and other information about the service.

VAS numbers

08, 4 and 6 digit numbers… These numbers are called premium numbers or special numbers. They are also known as VAS, or Value Added Service. VAS numbers are professional numbers that are contracted by companies and administrations to provide access to their activity. They are a great tool for professional relationships with customers, for networking, for publishing content, and as a stage in games.

Consumers are sometimes disavowed by the VAS number, despite its simplicity. A few malicious actors use it to scam or harass other people by using it in phone or SMS scams.

The SVA+ association, which regulates and defines SVA numbers, was created on the initiative of communication operators. It has decided to make the reverse directory free for everyone, in accordance with the Hamon law (March 17, 2014 on consumption). The reverse directory was created on the basis of a directory that required publishers to disclose their activities. He is motivated by transparency.

What number ?

Enter the number and date of use.

You can search for the name of the service you are interested in, along with its cost and type.

Our FAQ will help you identify a phone number.

What are the numbers?

Only VAS numbers can be used to find information.

How to recognize them? It is :

  • 10-digit numbers that begin with 08 are 10 digits.
  • 6-digit numbers start with 118
  • 4-digit numbers that start with 3 or 1 are 4-digit numbers

What services are they able to provide?

  • Customer relationship
  • Access to content and services
  • Entertainment or games
  • Access codes
  • Login
  • Telephone information
  • M2M or machine to machine
  • Telephony/Communication
  • Signaling

SVA+ has decided to create a new mandatory signaling system for SVA numbers in the same spirit as transparency for consumers. It is simpler, clearer and has an explicit number tariff. It involved 3 number models in the passage and adoption of the SVA reform. This law requires you to separate the cost of communication from the price of the service.

  • The 100% free number presented in a green box
  • The price of the call to an operator in gray and the free service
  • The raspberry color of the paid service

What is the price of this number?

You can use the reverse directory to find out the cost of a number.

First of all, the VAS signage must clearly indicate the price of the service or the call. Whatever the medium, the editor must indicate the price of the service and the price of the call in the title block. The free message at the start of the call (containing information on the price of the number called) is mandatory.

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