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Colibri: the new Google algorithm

For its 15th anniversary, Google has announced the implementation of a new algorithm: Colibri (Hummingbird). Previous avatars, Panda (2011) and Penguin (2012), tracked down poor quality content and links. Colibri's specialty: finding the most relevant answers to internet users' requests, and particularly for long requests. For example, " buying salted butter caramel chocolate  ».

toujours more focused on the semantics used, Colibri focuses on the full meaning of a long query, and no longer just on words taken separately from each other. If a user types "  what is the maximum speed of a horse?  Google ranks a Wikipedia page first, which answers the question perfectly. However, it does not contain the key words "  speed  " and " cheval  In its primordial tags.

Google has again taken a step forward in semantic and syntactic analysis, the two specialties of Tremplin Numérique, SEO and copywriting agency. More than ever, the correct choice of keywords and writing directly impacts SEO performance.

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