HTML code must be structured like a Rubick's Cube
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HTML tags: feed Google

More than 9 out of 10 sites have an illegal HTML structure.

When it opens a page to analyze it, Google first and foremost looks for its IT structure, which is called the HTML structure. This code, like a framework, makes it possible to define the elements to be displayed by the internet browser according to precise characteristics.

Each characteristic is defined by a label, called an HTML tag. There are all kinds of tags:

  • title levels,
  • formatting (bold, italics, underline ...),
  • inserting images, etc.

Barely a page open, Google proceeds with its analysis at lightning speed. He studies in priority the keywords located in the Title and h1 tags (or even h2), to which it gives the most weight.

However, most of the time, Google cannot find the information because these tags are not activated (or put in place). Often, web agencies ignore this operation. Business web services too. Result: 9 out of 10 sites fail to activate their tags for example. A lack that gives them a serious handicap since Google first looks for the presence of these structural elements. A real loss of positioning opportunity.

The content of the primordial tags must be able to be modified if necessary. Make sure this is possible with your webmaster or web agency. The vast majority of content management software (also called back office ou Content Management System, CMS) allow it: WordPress, Drupal, Easy Publish, Magento ...

In order for the structure of each page to be compliant, it must include a Title tag (general title of the page) and, minima, h1 tag. Activating the h2 and h3 tags provides additional chances to “earn points”, with secondary keywords. Set them up for your site, if possible from the start.

To find out if these essential tags have been activated or not, open the hood of your site. The information awaits you there. Here's how: HTML tags, how to check your structure.

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