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How to round numbers in Google Sheets

When working with decimal values, you may want to round these numbers up or down. Most often this is necessary with values ​​containing many decimal places. Google Sheets gives you handy functions to round your numbers the way you want.

Use the ROUND function in Google Sheets

The easiest function of Google Sheets for this task is the ROUND a function. The syntax of the function is ROUND(value, places) where value is required, and places is optional. You can use a number for the value or a cell reference. Let's look at some examples.

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To round the number 15,567 to a larger whole number, you would simply enter it as the first argument without the number of places. This is because the places argument is zero by default. Using the following formula, the result is 16.

= ROUND (15.567)

Use the default ROUND function

If you want to round that same number to one decimal place, enter the following formula and press Enter. The result is 15,6.

= ROUND (15.567,1)

Round off one decimal place

Maybe you want to round your number to the left of the decimal point instead of the right. You can use a negative number for the places argument. You would enter the following formula to round that number one left to a result of 20.

= ROUND (15.567, -1)

Round to the left of the decimal point

You can also use cell references as the value for the ROUND function and it works the same. To round the decimal number in the cell A1, you need to enter the following formula and press Enter.

= ROUND (A1)

Round off a cell reference value

Add an argument for the number of decimal places as when entering a value. To round the same value in the cell A1 one decimal place, you would use the following formula.

= ROUND (A1,1)

Round a cell reference value to one place

Use the ROUNDUP function

If you want to make sure that you always round your number, you can use the ROUNDUP function in Google Sheets. The syntax is ROUNDUP(value, places) just like the ROUND a function. The value is required and can be a number or a cell reference. The places argument is optional and defaults to zero.

To round the number 15,567, you can just enter the following formula and press Enter. The result is 16.

= ROUNDUP (15.567)

Use the default ROUNDUP function

To round the same number to one decimal place, for a result of 15,6, you would use the following formula.

= ROUNDUP (15.567,1)

Round to one decimal place

Just like ROUND function, you can use a negative number for the squares argument to round to the left of the decimal point. And you can use a cell reference if you prefer. With 15.567 in cells A1, this formula gives us a result of 20.

= ROUNDUP (A1, -1)

Round to the left of the decimal place

Use the ROUND function

Another variation of ROUND function that you may find useful is to always round down. It's the ROUNDDOWN function in Google Sheets, and the syntax is the same as the others, ROUNDDOWN(value, places).

To round our number 15,567 down, we would enter the following formula and hit enter. The result is 15.

= ROUNDDOWN (15.567)

Use the default ROUNDDOWN function

To round the same number down to one decimal place, we would enter one for the number of places for a result of 15,5.

= ROUNDDOWN (15.567,1)

Round down to one decimal place

Again, you can use a negative number for the places argument and use cell references like with the other functions here. With 15.567 in cells A1, this formula gives us a result of 10.

= ROUNDDOWN (A1, -1)

Round to the left of the decimal place

Rounding the numbers in your worksheet doesn't have to be difficult or even take longer. Just keep these functions of Google Sheets in mind.

For more help on functions, learn how to use the IF function with the AND and OR functions in Google Sheets.

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