How to optimize the SEO of your site?
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How to optimize the SEO of your site? Errors and tips

Rigorous technical bases are the first imperative to build an SEO strategy effective for the google search engine. To increase your SEO traffic and see it progress, here are the positive and negative factors that influence the SEO of your website.

What are the mistakes not to make? How to guard against it? Wanting to do too much is bad for your SEO web. Everything must be done in moderation and in an intelligent and rigorous way to boost its ranking in the Google search engine and increase its visibility compared to your most formidable competitors.

Mistakes to avoid so as not to harm your positioning

  • Plagiarism and duplication of Web content : copying the content of other websites is penalized by Google. It will also affect your brand image. Make an effort and write interesting and striking content yourself;
  • The publication of false opinions: according to statista, “nearly 30% of respondents said that they often read consumer reviews online before making a purchase in-store”. It is therefore possible to improve your SEO thanks to customers' opinion. This will not only reassure your potential customers, but also demonstrate your professionalism. Which will directly generate more clicks to your site;
  • The unreasonable and unstructured use of backlinks and keywords : Although the backlinking is an effective way to increase your natural search engine optimisation SEO;
  • neglect the meta description : it is the small description which is under the tag. Its content is not taken into account by the Google search engine but its role is to give a taste to the user to encourage him to click on your site.

The 6 factors to take into account for your SEO

Quality content, your best ally

This is probably the best way to increase traffic to your website and get a head start on your competitors. Remember to write relevant and differentiating content. It is also important to update. Publishing a single article on your site once every six months is not the right solution and will not improve your positioning in the Google search engine. The richness of your content is also a showcase of your professionalism vis-à-vis the Internet users.

Keywords are fundamental

As their name suggests, this is a key element for your natural referencing approach on the web. Ignoring them would be a big mistake. Indeed, being yourself an Internet user and a consumer of the web, you should realize that when doing research on any subject (a job that corresponds to your skills or the recipe for your favorite cake ) you are going to use keywords. Used wisely, they allow generate traffic on your site and improve your site's ranking in search engines.

Raise the security stakes

La cybersecurity doesn't make headlines for nothing. This is now at the heart of the short and medium term development strategy. Moreover, Google favors secure sites. So the more you increase the browsing safety on your site the more you will have better visibility during Google searches. It is important to get a SSL certificate to establish a secure connection (HTTPS), this is now becoming the norm.

The loading speed of your website, the faster the better!

Everyone agrees, it's very frustrating and annoying to wait for a web page to load. 3 seconds can seem like an eternity to the eyes of the Internet user who will close the window and go to a competing site, which will automatically alarm Google and have bad consequences on your SEO. You can see how to reduce slowness and increase the conversion rate of your e-commerce site by reading this article (link to the article "Increase the conversion rate of your e-commerce site: challenge met").

A responsive site: more flexibility equals better SEO

Web users are now connected through many media with a use that becomes multi-screen. This mutation completely changes the situation and modifies consumption habits. Your website must then be adaptable to all these media. Opt for a “mobile-friendly” UX design so that it is responsive and accessible to all Internet users anywhere, anytime and with any medium.

Focus on URL and tag

The URL is the link to your website that you find in the main address bar of your browser. This link is made up of your site's domain name, followed by a few words that describe the content of the page. This URL should be simple and contain a few keywords to further optimize your SEO. Regarding the beacon, it is the first thing your target sees. It must therefore be as striking as possible. It is important to know that it must not exceed 60 characters otherwise it will be cut off and thus lose half of its value in your SEO process.

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