5 yoga poses that can relieve sciatic pain
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5 yoga poses that can relieve sciatic pain

If you have a burning, numbing (and annoying) pain that starts in your lower back and runs all the way to your heel, that's called sciatic pain. Here are some stretches that can help you.

The first thing you should do, of course, is see your doctor. While he or she works to uncover the root cause, however, there are yoga poses that might relieve some of that tension.

Named after the inflamed sciatic nerve, sciatic pain can have many causes, which is why it's so important to see your doctor to determine exactly what's causing it. In the meantime, however, a few yoga poses might get you through the day.

Keep in mind that these poses should be done very gently. Listen to your body and use your breath to release tight muscles around your sciatic nerve. If you feel the pain getting worse at any point, take a step back or avoid this exercise altogether.

Everyone's body is different and it's important to "do no harm" and respect how you feel in any given situation.

Knee to Chest Pose

A woman lying on her back on a yoga mat hugging one knee to her chest.

Starting with the simplest pose, knee to chest can easily be done in your bed. It's actually a great way to start your day, since sciatic pain tends to be the worst right after you wake up.

Lying on your back, take long, deep breaths, then slowly bend one knee. Wrap your fingers around your shin and bring your knee to your chest. Leave the other leg relaxed and straight, without force or tension.

Breathe and use your inspirations to create space between your vertebrae. As you exhale, try to bring your knee closer to your chest. Your body can be very stiff in the morning, so don't force it. Pay attention to your breathing and feel your lower back slowly stretch. After five to 10 long breathing cycles, gently release your leg and repeat on the other side.

After doing both legs, bring both knees up to your chest and squeeze them tightly. Rock gently from side to side to massage your spine and the muscles around it.

Before getting out of bed, roll onto your side and, keeping your knees close to your chest, use your hands to slowly rise to a sitting position. Place both feet on the floor at the same time.

Happy baby pose

A woman doing the happy baby yoga pose on a mat.

Named after every baby's favorite pose, this one releases tension in the lower back and hips very effectively. It causes two powerful opposing forces to work together and create the perfect environment for your spine.

Lie on your back and bring your knees in, grabbing them with one hand, then separate them on either side of your torso. Stay here for a moment, then send your tailbone to the mat.

Feel the extension of your spine all the way from your neck to the top of your head. You should feel like someone is holding your neck, gently stretching it, and decompressing your spine.

Grasp your feet from the inside or the outside and kick your hands while simultaneously pulling your feet towards you. This is the dual force action that helps the lower back release and stretch towards the mat. The goal is, eventually, to rest your back flat on the mat.

Breathe into the pose and continue kicking and pulling, extending your spine and bending your knees. This will open your hips and relax your glutes at the same time.

All of this will help release tension and increase blood flow to the area, which brings in fresh oxygen and flushes out toxins.

bridge pose

A woman doing a bridge pose on a wooden deck outdoors.

The incredible mechanics of the body work in mysterious ways. For example, creating tension in one area of ​​the body causes relaxation in another. This is what makes bridgework one of the best for reducing sciatic pain and helping you manage your condition.

Lie on your mat and bend your knees, bringing your feet close to your seat bones as much as your body allows. Separate them so that they are hip-width apart, then press down firmly on the floor. You will feel the back of your legs activate.

Place your arms along your body, palms down, then relax your shoulders as far from your ears as possible. This creates space for your neck.

Inhale and lift your hips, pressing your palms and feet into the floor and using them as leverage. Continue to lift your hips and bring your chest towards your chin (and not in the other direction). Relax your glutes and allow your lower back to decompress and stretch.

You can stay here or go further and open your shoulders. To do this, place your hands under your body and interlace your fingers. Press your hands into the mat as you open your chest and allow your hips to stretch even higher.

Make sure your knees stay parallel and hip-width apart, lift your heels if you feel your lower back isn't getting the maximum release. Use your breath to guide you deeper into the pose and tone your spinal muscles, sending fresh oxygen to every cell in your body.

Slowly come out of the pose bringing your arms back to your sides, lowering your heels if you have lifted them. Gently lower your entire torso to the floor, vertebra by vertebra, from your upper back to your hips. Once you're back in the starting position, bring your knees in and hug them.

Standing front fold

A woman doing a forward bend yoga pose with a yoga block.

Regardless of your level of flexibility, standing forward bends are amazing for stretching your spine. It will release tension from your muscles as you use gravity to naturally create space where your body needs it.

It's recommended to bend your knees, even if you can easily touch the ground, because you want to avoid putting strain on your hamstrings.

Start in a solid standing position with your feet hip-width apart, then gently lean forward, relaxing your torso over your legs. Bend your knees as much as you need or want, and let your arms hang down. You can also use a yoga block if you can't bend all the way to the floor.

You can also rock side to side or stand still and simply allow gravity to stretch your lower back without any force or struggle. Stay here as long as necessary, but at least five long breaths. Then slowly return to a standing position, stacking each vertebra on top of the other.

child pose

A woman in child's pose on a cement patio and a yoga mat.

The ultimate back release, Child's Pose is also an amazing hip opener. For those who suffer from sciatic pain, this pose can help loosen the tightness in that area.

Start by setting your knees wide apart to the edges of your mat, then lower your torso between your thighs. Stretch your arms long in front of you. You may need to move your upper body a bit until you find that sweet spot for your body to fully relax on your mat.

Pull your shoulders away from your ears and stick your fingers out as far as your flexibility allows, stretching your entire spine. Use your inhales to lengthen your spine and your exhales to sink deeper into the pose.

Stay here for as long as you want, then repeat this pose as many times throughout the day as needed.

Sciatica pain is not something you should ignore or neglect. If you do, it may progress to the point of inhibiting your normal daily functions. Get it under control by seeing your doctor and practicing these yoga poses daily – it can help more than just your sciatica, too!

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